CEERS Data Releases

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Public Data Release 0.7!

Public Data Release 0.6!

Public Data Release 0.5!

Ancillary Data Products – Additional data products available from the CEERS Team

Simulated Data Release v3 (SDR3) – NIRCam WFSS, updated NIRCam imaging

Simulated Data Release v2 (SDR2) – NIRSpec MSA

HST Data Release v1 (HDR1) – HST mosaics with improved astrometry

Simulated Data Release v1 (SDR1) – NIRCam + MIRI Imaging, SAM Mock Catalog; presented as part of JWebbinar 13

Simulated Data Release v3 (SDR3)

Released: June, 2022

V3 data release

In this v3 data release, we provide simulated NIRCam WFSS observations for four CEERS pointings. We provide the input models, raw data, calibrated count rate maps, and extracted spectra. We also provide updated NIRCam imaging in one CEERS pointing. This NIRCam imaging update includes improved input photometry, additional depth in two filters, and pixel-aligned mosaics in all filters.

Visit the links below for:

Simulated Data Release v2 (SDR2)

Released: February, 2022

V2 data release

In this v2 data release, we provide simulated NIRSpec MSA observations for one CEERS pointing. We provide fully reduced and calibrated spectra in all CEERS filter/grating configurations as well as Jupyter notebooks showing how to reduce the data through the JWST Calibration Pipeline.

Visit the links below for:

Future expected data releases

We plan to release NIRSpec MSA simulations for all 6 CEERS NIRSpec pointings and MSA simulations that include some extended sources in a future data release.

HST Data Release v1 (HDR1)

Released: February, 2022

V1 data release

In this v1 data release, we provide HST mosaics in 6 filters (ACS/WFC F606W, F814W and WFC3/IR F105W, F125W, F140W, F160W), all pixel aligned with astrometry tied to Gaia-EDR3. The images are on a pixel scale of 30 milliarcseconds/pixel.

Visit the link below for:

Simulated Data Release v1 (SDR1)

Released: November, 2021

(Click image to enlarge.)

Observing configuration for CEERS simulations

CEERS has 10 NIRCam pointings, shown in blue in the figure above with each module labeled with the pointing number. Pointings 1-6 are taken in parallel to prime NIRSpec MSA observations (shown in green), while pointings 7-10 are taken in parallel to prime MIRI imaging observations (shown in red). We also observe pointings 5-8 with the NIRCam WFSS (outlined in cyan) with MIRI imaging in parallel. While the CEERS observing configuration will not be finalized until after launch and Cy1 scheduling, we adopt the June 2022 configuration (above) for our simulations.

V1 data release

In this v1 data release, we provide simulated raw CEERS data for one pointing of NIRCam imaging and six pointings of MIRI imaging. We provide readme files for each instrument mode, Jupyter notebooks showing how to reduce the raw data through the JWST Calibration Pipeline, and the mock catalog of JWST photometry and galaxy properties that is used as input for the simulations. We presented these data products as part of JWebbinar 13: CEERS NIRCam and MIRI Imaging.

Visit the links below for:

Future expected data releases

We plan to release the full CEERS NIRCam imaging mosaic (all 10 pointings), all four NIRCam WFSS pointings, and NIRSpec MSA simulations in a future data release.