Simulated NIRCam Imaging and Reduction for CEERS Pointing 5

We have simulated NIRCam images for one CEERS pointing (CEERS 5) using MIRAGE version 2.1.0, with input sources taken from a mock catalog created using the Santa Cruz semi-analytic model for galaxy evolution. The images were simulated using pointing and XML files based on the CEERS APT (with modifications required for MIRAGE to simulate the custom primary-parallel dither patterns planned for CEERS observations).

To access the full data release directly, visit this link. Please see the associated README describing the release. An updated version of these simulated images is presented in Bagley et al. (2023).

Alternatively, see below to access the fully reduced mosaics in each filter along with preliminary photometry. We also provide the raw images and step-by-step instructions for reducing the raw images.


  • Instrument: NIRCam
  • Mode: Imaging
  • Source of Simulations: MIRAGE v2.1.0
  • Calibration Pipeline Used: jwst v1.2.3
  • APT (version 2021.2): CEERS ERS 1345
  • Target: CEERS Pointing 5 (in parallel with prime NIRSpec MSA)
  • Filters: SWC F115W, F150W, F200W; LWC F277W, F356W, F444W
  • Readout: MEDIUM8
  • Observation specification: 9 groups, 1 integration
  • Dithers: 3 point dither in each filter, defined by the 3 slitlet nods of the NIRSpec primary observations


  • Fully reduced mosaics, segmentation maps and preliminary photometric catalogs in all 6 filters are available here or in the table below.
  • Please see the associated README for information on the mosaic creation, file structures and the photometry.
  • The mosaics are on pixel scales of 0.015"/pix (SWC) and 0.03"/pix (LWC).
  • Note that the images are NOT pixel-aligned. Pixel-aligned images across all filters will be part of our next data release.
  • The photometric catalogs are produced using the default options for the SourceCatalog step of the Stage 3 pipeline. We have not optimized the SourceCatalog parameters, and so the photometric catalogs are not final. We include them here as an example of the JWST Calibration Pipeline outputs.

Data reduction

In total there are 90 raw simulated NIRCam images:

  • 24 each for the SWC filters (8 SWC detectors * 3 dithers)
  • 6 each for the LWC filters (2 LWC detectors * 3 dithers)

Reducing the raw images through the JWST Calibration Pipeline requires a considerable amount of memory and disk space. We therefore provide instructions on how to reduce the simulated data in two parts:

Part 1 (recommended starting place):

Part 1 includes all input files necessary to reduce exposures for one detector of the F115W imaging and one detector of the F277W imaging, including a Jupyter notebook (ceers_nircam_reduction.ipynb) that demonstrates running all of the Calibration Pipeline steps as well as custom processing steps we've developed for the simulated data.

Download part1.tar.gz (650 MB). Note: untars to 1.2 GB and takes up ~15 GB including all calibration pipeline outputs, i.e., after running all steps in the notebook.

Part 2:

Part 2 provides batch scripts to reduce all 90 raw images through all pipeline and custom steps.

Download part2.tar.gz (~8.3 GB). Note: untars to ~13 GB and takes up ~95 GB after performing all steps.

Please consult the README files packaged with each tarball before performing any of the reduction steps.

Simulated MIRI Imaging and Reduction for CEERS Pointings 5-10

We have simulated MIRI images for all six CEERS pointings (CEERS 5-10) using MIRISIM version 2.4.0, with input sources taken from a mock catalog created using the Santa Cruz semi-analytic model for galaxy evolution. Pointings 7, 8, 9 and 10 are obtained as the primary observations (with NIRCam imaging in parallel). Pointings 5 and 6 are taken in parallel with NIRCam WFSS as primary. Pointings 7 and 8 are also observed in parallel with NIRCam WFSS, adding additional filter coverage and/or depth to the primary observations in these pointings.

To access the full data release directly, visit this link. Please see the associated README describing the release.

Alternatively, see below to access the fully reduced mosaics in each filter. We also provide the raw images and step-by-step instructions for reducing the raw images.


  • Instrument: MIRI
  • Mode: Imaging
  • Source of Simulations: MIRISIM v2.4.0
  • Calibration Pipeline Used: jwst v1.2.3
  • APT: CEERS ERS 1345
  • Target: CEERS Pointings 7-10 (as primary), 5-8 (in parallel)
  • Filters: F560W, F770W, F1000W, F1280W, F1500W, F1800W, F2100W
  • Readout: SLOWR1 (F560W and F770W), FASTR1 (all other filters)
  • Observation specification: Groups and integrations vary by filter and pointing
  • Dithers: As primary - 3 point custom dithers for coordinated MIRI+NIRCam observations. As parallel - Observations match the NIRCam WFSS observation sequence (4 grism exposures, 1 direct image, and 2 out-of-field images)


  • Fully reduced mosaics and weight maps for all MIRI pointings and in all filters are available here (sorted by CEERS pointing ID) or in the table below.
  • The mosaics are on the native pixel scale of 0.11"/pix and in units of MJy/sr.
  • Note that the images are NOT pixel-aligned. Pixel-aligned images across all filters will be part of our next data release.
  • Fields marked 'b' are taken in parallel with the primary NIRCam WFSS observations. Pointings 7b and 8b provide additional filter coverage and/or depth to the primary observations in pointings 7 and 8, respectively.

Data reduction

In total there are 113 raw simulated MIRI images:

  • 14 for pointing CEERS5b (4 filters)
  • 14 for pointing CEERS6b (2 filters)
  • 15 for pointing CEERS7 (5 filters)
  • 14 for pointing CEERS7b (2 filters)
  • 9 for pointing CEERS8 (2 filters)
  • 14 for pointing CEERS8b (1 filter)
  • 21 for pointing CEERS9 (6 filters)
  • 12 for pointing CEERS10 (2 filters)

Reducing all six MIRI pointings requires a considerable amount of disk space. We therefore provide instructions on how to reduce the simulated data in two parts:

Part 1 (recommended starting place):

Part 1 includes all input files necessary to reduce MIRI imaging in F770W and F2100W for CEERS pointing 7b, including a Jupyter notebook (pipeline.ipynb) that demonstrates running all of the Calibration Pipeline steps as well as custom processing steps we've developed for the simulated data.

Download part1.tar.gz (1.5 GB). Note: untars to 5.4 GB and takes up ~10.5 GB including all calibration pipeline outputs and downloaded reference files, i.e., after running all steps in the notebook.

Part 2:

In order to reduce the raw images for all six MIRI pointings, please follow these steps:

Download part2.tar.gz (~2 MB), which contains the Jupyter notebook and all supporting files required to complete the reduction. (You can skip this step if you downloaded part1.tar.gz, as the notebook and required files are the same.)

Download the raw data for each field you wish to reduce:

Untar each directory with the following command: tar xvzf [tarfile], where [tarfile] is the name of each tarball.

Run the reduction following the steps in the Jupyter notebook pipeline.ipynb.

Note that the full reduction takes up ~65 GB, i.e., after running all steps in the notebook on all pointings.

Mock Galaxy Catalog

The main input for our simulated images is a mock galaxy catalog created with the Santa Cruz Semi-Analytic Model (SAM). This catalog covers a field of 782 sq. arcmin, overlapping with the observed EGS field and spanning z ~ 0 to 10. The mock catalog is presented in Yung et al. (2022). The physical model is configured identically as the model presented in Somerville et al. (2021).

Download the CEERS SAM mock galaxy catalog:

  • FITS table (~800 MB)
  • ASCII table (1.2 GB)
  • Please note that the NIRCam photometry in this version of the SAM catalog does not include extinction by dust. This version was used to create the NIRCam simulated images, and so is appropriate to use in comparison with those simulated products. A version including dust will be shared in a future release.

Please see the associated README describing the catalog, columns, and the references related to the creation of the SAM.

Additional Inputs - high-redshift Galaxies and Point sources

We have also added the seven z~9 galaxies in the EGS field presented by Finkelstein et al. (2021) to the simulations. The JWST photometry is estimated using the best-fit EAZY template for each source's Hubble and Spitzer photometry. Download the catalog of z~9 source positions and photometry:

Finally, we have included point sources in the NIRCam imaging simulations. The positions and magnitudes of bright (V<16) point sources in the EGS field are added from 2MASS, WISE and Gaia. We added fainter point sources (16 < V < 29) using the Besançon Model to approximate the correct stellar density and luminosity distribution in the EGS field. Download the catalog of point sources:

Note: the point source catalog is in Vega magnitudes, while all other input catalogs are in AB magnitudes.